How to View Checklist Reports Online

First, be sure to log in to your dashboard:

The login details are the same on both the Mobile App, and the WebApp (dashboard).

1) Navigate to the 'Checklist Report' to view the Checklist data. This is the default view when logging in.

2) If you are a single location manager/owner, your store will already be selected. However if you have multiple locations assigned to your account, you can select a store from the location dropdown.

Select your Checklist from the dropdown, and use the Date Picker to filter the checklist data over a given  time period (Ex: Last 5 days, 2 weeks, etc.)

3) Scroll down to view the Checklist data. The default view will display the entire report, however feel free to isolate specific sections by using the section filter.

Pro Tip: By hovering your cursor over a specific value/input (Ex: Yes/No, 165F, etc.) you can see the exact date/time that the checklist was submitted at.

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