Checklist Data

The 'Checklist Data' page allows you to analyze checklist data that was submitted over a period of time, for any location assigned to you. Here is where we can get more granular by looking at specific sections or tasks and their inputs/values. 

Start by setting your parameters:

1) Select the location you would like to view checklist data for: 'Sudbury - 60'.

2) Pick the checklist: 'Opening Checklist'.

3) Choose your date range.

4) Optional: Select/filter a specific 'Section' (default will display all Sections)

In the example above, we are looking at the values submitted for particular sections (Employee Uniforms and Restrooms) within the 'Opening Checklist'. The values in red indicate non-compliance. You will also see icons for Comments, Actions, and image tasks. Clicking on any of these icons will display images or text comments. 

At the top of the second column (Due on) you will see an info icon. Clicking on that icon will display the name and signature information. This will only be applicable for clients that have the signature feature enabled. 

Another option available would be to view all task comments or checklist notes grouped together in one view. The screenshot below will show these options.

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