Failed Notifications

The DailyChex failed notification feature allows you to receive real-time email updates when items/tasks are out of compliance. This can be applied to all tasks within a certain checklists, or a few specific tasks that you deem as critical as the settings are flexible.

1) Under Configuration > Notifications, you'll see a blank area to begin building your first notification. If you aren't seeing the same screen, click the + symbol on the top right.

2) Click 'Checklist(s)' to select which checklists you wish to be notified about. In this case we are concerned with only the 'AM-PM Checklist' data

3) Then, select individual tasks that you'd like to notify you upon failing. Here we have selected all tasks, so even if 1 fails we will receive an email notification.

4) Next, you can select the locations you wish to be alerted from. In this example we are concerned with both Avenue - 001 and Bay - 40. 

5) Lastly, select which users should be receiving these notifications. Here we have chosen Jason to receive them as he is our compliance officer.

Please note: A GM of store X cannot receive notifications for store Y, as these connections are predefined from both the Users and Checklist configuration areas. If you aren't seeing a user listed here, please ensure they are connected to the location you selected (Users Configuration) as well as mapped to the selected checklist (Checklist Configuration). 

6) After clicking 'Save' you will see a screen similar to the one below:

If you're comfortable with the settings, you can leave the page. However, feel free to edit or delete the notifications if you require any changes. To add a new notification, click the + icon again.

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