List of Checklists

Once you are logged into the DailyChex App, you will see a list of Checklists that have been assigned to you for that day. 

Your organization might have configured a time for a checklist to appear in the list of Checklists and also a time for the same checklist to be removed. For example, a Checklist may be due at 1:00pm and your organization has configured for it to appear in the list 3 hours prior to the due time. In that case, the checklist will show in the list at 10:00am. Similarly, it may also be set to be removed from the list 3 hours after its due time, which will lead to removal of the checklist at 4:00pm. 

A countdown circle will appear a half hour before the checklist is set to be removed, as shown in the image above. 

What’s in a checklist card?

Each checklist is contained within a box or card on the list of Checklists page. The Checklist name appears at the very top of the card, followed by the date and time that it is due. If a Checklist is overdue, it will show under the due date and time. You will find the checklist status with a progress bar on the right and your email address below it. 

Checklist Status and Filter Options

We wouldn’t want to fill up your device screen with a long list of checklists. Keeping that in mind we’ve tucked away checklists that are completed or were previously due, to help you focus on checklists that are due Today. Having said that, you can always use the Filter option to view those checklists too.

View Checklists due Today

The option 'Today' is selected by default and will show you checklists that are due, including ones that are overdue. All checklists are set to a unique schedule, they will appear in the list as the day progresses. 

View All Checklists

The option 'All' will show you checklists that are submitted; due today - including checklists that are overdue from previous days; weekly and monthly checklists. 

Weekly Checklists are those checklists that may be due once a week, once in two weeks or three weeks. It can defined as needed. A Checklist that is due on Fridays will show on Today’s Checklists if that day is Friday and not otherwise. Similarly, if a Monthly checklist is due on the last Wednesday of each month, it will show on Today’s Checklists only on the last Wednesday of the month.

You will see a carousel marked by coloured dots in a horizontal row at the bottom of each checklist card. Swipe left/right to navigate through previous activity on a checklist. The colours used in the carousel are indicative of checklist status. Let’s take a quick look at what they are:

Grey - A checklist that is due today and Not Started

Orange - A checklist that is Overdue and Not Started

Blue - A checklist that is In Progress

Green - A checklist that is Completed and Submitted. You will only see this if “Show Completed” is selected in the Checklist filter.

View Completed Checklists

You can view completed checklists by tapping on the filter icon from the List of Checklists page. Completed Checklists will be then added to the List of Checklists page. If you’re viewing checklists due Today, it will show completed checklists for those checklists that were previously submitted. Similarly, if you’re viewing All checklists and select Show Completed, you will see it on the List of Checklists page. As mentioned previously, a completed checklist progress bar will show in green.

Switching location

You may be assigned checklists to more than one location. By tapping the Filter icon on the top left corner of the list of Checklists page, you will see the location you are currently working on. Once you tap the location name, you will see a list of all locations that apply to you. Select a location from the list and all the checklists for that location assigned to you for that day will appear next on the list of Checklists page. 

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