Offline Mode

No one likes an internet outage, but we find ourselves in the midst of one every once in a while! We wouldn’t like your work being disrupted because of no internet and have a sweet fix in place for you - Offline mode

If you find yourself disconnected from the internet, do not fret. You will be notified when you are in Offline mode. The DailyChex mobile app allows you to continue working on checklists that are already in progress. 

If you see Checklists that are "disabled" (greyed out) while in Offline mode, you will be unable to work on them. This happens when your device does not have a copy of the checklist and is waiting to receive it from the server. The checklist data from Checklists you work on while in Offline mode will be saved and you will be able to submit the checklist when back online. 

The offline banner in grey will disappear once you're online. 

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