Actions Explained

We discussed Actions briefly in a previous section. Let’s look at it in more detail now. 

So what exactly are actions? Actions are a way of notifying users that a task requires some attention. For instance, you notice a crack on the stove top while cleaning and want to let the manager know that it probably needs to be repaired or replaced. While on the List of Checklists page, you will see Actions nestled between Checklists and Comments on the bottom navigation bar. All actions created for the checklists will automatically show in the Actions Page on the List of Checklists page. This is where you can check on the status and mark as closed. 

View Actions

Once you’ve tapped on Actions on the bottom navigation bar, you will find a list of all the actions for checklists that apply to you. You can use the filter icon on the top left corner to view Open and Closed  actions. Open actions are those that have been created, but no “action” has been taken by the user. Closed Actions refer to those that have been resolved. You can also filter actions by Checklists and only choose to see actions assigned to tasks on a particular checklist.

Close an Action

If you have successfully followed up on an Action, you can close it with the toggle button on your Apple or Android device. 

Corrective Actions

While on the Actions page, you may see an orange arrow by the action name. This indicates that a Corrective Action was added to a task while the checklist was being configured by your organization. If you click on the arrow, it will open the action with a list of corrective actions. 

Select all Corrective Actions in a list to mark as done and then hit OK to close the action. The arrow beside the action name will then change to green.

Please note: This view can only be accessed from the list of Checklists page. If you are mid-checklist, you can click back (or submit if the checklist is complete) to the Checklist page. In order for an Action to appear under the Actions page, you must first submit the checklist. 

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