Store Comments

When you get to the list of checklists page after logging in, you will find the Comments button in the bottom navigation bar. This works like a “view only” communication log that provides users access to all notes and/or images added to those checklists that apply to you. Simply put, if a note or image has been added to a checklist that has been assigned to you, you will find it here. Comments viewed on this page are submitted along with checklist submissions. 

How is it different from Actions you ask? Unlike Actions, comments are added globally to a checklist, rather than to a specific task. There is no “action” attached to a checklist and requires no follow up. On the other hand, actions are attached to a task and need to be closed.

Tags can be used to group comments and images. If you’ve added tags, use the filter option to view comments associated with those tags. You can read more about how tags work here

Tip: Don’t squint to look for details on an image! Tap to zoom in and get an enlarged view. 

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