Checklist Review and Submit

Review A Checklist

The Review feature allows you to get an overview of the Checklist you're working on. It gives you a section wise breakdown of all tasks completed by indicating tasks that are completed in blue, failed tasks in orange and incomplete tasks in grey. Any Actions created on the Checklist will be listed in the appropriate section along with the task name. Let's look at the image below to better understand what the Review Page looks like.

Let's now look at the bottom navigation bar on the Review page. There are two scenarios to consider that determine what you see here. 

Scenario I - You can submit a Checklist without a username or signature.

If your organization does not require a username and/or signature to Submit a Checklist, you will see all three options on the bottom navigation bar - Username, Sign and Submit. You may still enter your username and sign on the Checklist before submitting, but it is not mandated by your organization. 

Scenario II - You need a username and signature to submit a Checklist

If your organization requires you to add a username and/or a signature to Submit a Checklist, you will not see the Submit button on the bottom navigation bar. Only when you sign on the Checklist, will you see the option to Submit it. You will also see a green dot beside Sign to indicate that your signature has been added to the Checklist, as shown in the image for Scenario I.

Submit without Completing a Checklist

It's important to note here that your organization may have configured for Checklists to be submitted only upon total completion, i.e ALL tasks completed. If that is the case, you will be notified the same when you try to Review the Checklist without completing all tasks. 

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