Getting Data

Getting Metadata

Gets metadata that would be used to make the calls to get data for stores


Method: POST


{"error": 0, 					# 0 is success
   # array contains all the checklists 
   "data": [			
	{"cl_id": 1,				# checklist id
	 "cl_name": "Temp Log", 		# checklist name 
	 # array of this checklist's schedule
	 "crons": [ 		
		{"exp": "0 0 10 * * 0-6", 	# cron expression
		 # cron expression active from timestamp
		 "active_since": "2010-01-01 00:00:00+00:00" 
		# rest of the schedules for this checklist

Geting Data

Returns back data for a group of checklists specified in the payload. We got checklist ids from the metadata url above. 

We also specify the date range we require the data for. Maximum is a month.


Method: POST


  "cl_ids": [1 , 2, 3],  		# checklist ids for which we require data 
  "start_date": "2020-08-05", 	# data from date. 
  "end_date": "2020-08-06" 	# data to date. Max is 1 month.


{"error": 0, 			# 0 is success
#array of all the submissions of the checklists that were provided to this api
  #between two dates, maximum one month apart.
  "data": [
	"can_access": true,	# true means task data exists in this dictionary
	"cl_id": 4,		# id of the checklist that was submitted
	"tm_started": "2020-08-05T13:08:41Z", 	 # time when checklist was started
	"tm_completed": "2020-08-05T14:39:37.078Z", # time checklist was submitted
	"tm_due_time": "2020-08-05T15:00:00Z",  	 # due time for the checklist
	"cron": "0 0 10 * * 0-6",	# cron expression
	"location_id": 100, 	# submitted for store id
	"ud_sections": [
		"sec_id": 4, 		# id of the section
		#array of tasks in the section and their values
		"ud_tasks": [
			"task_id": 10,	# task id 
	     		"value": "36"   # task value submitted.
    }, 		# end of one submitted checklist
    {...}  	# other submitted checklists.  

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