Managing Tasks and Sections

In this article we’ll take a closer look at creating, editing and deleting sections and tasks. 

Create New Section

Before creating a Task, you need to create a Section to assign tasks to, which will ultimately get added to a Checklist. 

Once you’ve opened the Task Repository, click on the New Section button which is situated on top of the Sections column on the left. 

Enter a name for the new Section and hit Create. You’ve created a Section.

The New Section you’ve created will get added to the list of Sections in the column on the left. You may now begin adding Tasks to the Section!

Select Section

While creating a New Section, you can make it a Select Section by clicking on "Show More". A Select Section has multiple sections within it, allowing the user to choose any one section on the Mobile App, based on the requirements for that day.

For instance, you create a select section titled “Daily Specials Temp Check”. 

You will then choose pre-existing sections (that already include tasks) to add to the select section. The mobile App user will see a list of options under “Daily Specials Temp Check” on the checklist and then make a selection. 

Create New Task

To create a new Task, select the section you would like to create the task in. Next, click on the New Task button on the far right, above the list of tasks.

The New Task pane will slide in from the right for you to start filling in. Make sure you’re on the general tab so you can start filling in details for the task.

Follow the steps listed below to quickly create a task

  1. Add a task name
  2. Choose task type. Task types are explained in detail here
  3. Add Fail Value by using the toggle, if applicable. Fail Value is explained in detail in Task Types.  
  4. Use the dropdown to assign new task to a Checklist 

At this point, you can either hit create and save the new task, or move on to the Info tab to add images/videos to the task. 

Add Info to a Task

This space allows you to add specifics for the user to follow while carrying out the task on the mobile app. 

Info works as an effective training method when it comes to task completion as you can include images, videos and text as Info for the task. Use the Preview button to see how the media files attached will show on the mobile device. 

Clone/Edit/Delete Tasks 

If you hover over a task name, you will see three options presented to you in the Action column. These options are:

Clone task : This creates a copy of the task in the same section

Edit task : This opens up an edit pane that looks just like a new task pane. You can make changes to all the task fields from here. 

Delete task : In order to delete a task, first remove it from the Checklists it has been assigned to. Then, delete the task from the Task Repository. 

Edit and Delete Sections

If you hover over Section names, you will see the options to Edit and Delete.

Edit Section : This allows you to change the section name.

Delete Section : This deletes the whole section - regular and select. The section cannot be deleted unless all the tasks in it are deleted.

For Select Sections, edit works slightly differently.

Edit Select Section : This opens up a dialog box similar to New Section. You can edit the section name and also add or remove sections from it by clicking on Show more options.

Delete Select Section : This allows you to delete only the select section and not the sections within it. 

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