Managing Checklists

Create New Checklist

As a Superuser, once you have created sections and added tasks to them in the Task Repository, you are ready to create your Checklists! There are three crucial steps to creating a checklist:

  1. Assign sections and tasks to a checklist using the General tab
  2. Set schedule(s) for a checklist in the Schedule tab
  3. Assign locations and users to a checklist in the Locations tab

Please note : A checklist will not be created unless all three steps listed above are completed. You will see a message reminding you the same when you try to create a checklist without completing all three steps. The steps are explained in detail below. 

Assigning Sections and Tasks to Checklist:

To create a new Checklist, click on "New Checklist" button on the top right corner of the Checklists table. A new checklist pane will slide in from the right. 

  1. Make sure you’re on the General tab and start by giving your checklist a name
  2. Use the search box and filters to quickly find the sections you’re looking for. Find sections by "searching" section names and use the filter option to refine your search based on brand, location type and checklists. 
  3. Select Sections from the table below by checking the box beside each Section name. Use the arrow beside the word "Tasks" to view tasks in each section.
  4. You can hand-pick the tasks you need for your checklist by checking/unchecking the box beside each task name.

Once you've assigned sections and tasks to a checklist, you are ready to move on to the next tab - Setting Checklist Schedule.

Setting Checklist Schedule

There are three kinds of schedules you can set for a Checklist - 

  • General 
  • Custom weekly
  • Custom Monthly

General Schedule

Use this option to set a more straightforward schedule. 

Example: On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, starting September 21 2020 at 09:00am.

Here’s how you can quickly assign a general schedule to a checklist:

  1. Select days which apply to the checklist. The selected days will be highlighted in green. 
  2. Choose a start date for the Checklist using the date picker
  3. Using the time picker, choose the time for when you would like the Checklist to be submitted
  4. Set Show and Expire times for your checklists. This will determine how many hours/days prior to submission the checklist will appear as well as disappear from your device once it is past due time. By default, both will show 6 hours. 
  5. “Allow incomplete submissions” is selected by default. This means that the user can submit this schedule of the checklist without completing all the tasks in it. 
  6. Click on the checkmark to save this schedule. You will see the schedule in the form of a statement when you save it. 

7. You can then proceed to create another schedule for the checklist by clicking on the “plus” button and follow the steps mentioned above or move to the next tab to assign locations and users to the checklist. 

Custom Weekly Schedule

This option is for when you want to customize your schedule, by choosing the frequency and allowing weekly repetitions.

Example: Every 2 weeks starting October 6, 2020 and repeats on Tuesdays.

Here’s how you can assign a custom weekly schedule to a checklist:

  1. Choose how frequently the Checklist needs to be submitted. For example, every 2 weeks. 
  2. Choose a start date using the date picker
  3. Choose the day the checklist repeats on. For example, repeats on Wednesdays. 
  4. Use the time picker to set the due time
  5. Set a “show” time to determine how many hours/days before due time the checklist appears on the mobile device. Setting an “expiry” time determines after how many hours/days the checklist will be removed from the device. By default, both will show 6 days.
  6.  “Allow incomplete submissions” is selected by default. This means that the user can submit this schedule of the checklist without completing all the tasks in it. 
  7. Click on the Checkmark to save this schedule. You will see the schedule in the form of a statement when you save it. The image below shows you the schedule statement for custom weekly scheduling.

8. You can then proceed to create another schedule for the checklist by clicking on the “plus” button and follow the steps mentioned above or move to the next tab to assign locations and users to the checklist. 

Custom Monthly Schedule

Use this option if you wish to customize your checklist schedule for specific days of the month. 

Example: Every 2nd Monday of the month or  4th day of the month. 

Here’s how you can assign a custom monthly schedule to a checklist:

  1. Select one of two options:

In the image above, the first option is selected. As you can see, it’s been set to the 2nd Tuesday of the month. You can assign between the 1st and 5th for any day of the week (Sunday - Saturday) of the month. 

In the image above, the second option is selected. As you can see, it’s been set to the 4th day of the month. You can assign between the 1st and 31st day of the month for this option. 

  1. Use the date picker to choose a start date 
  2. Use the time picker to set the due time
  3. Set a “show” time to determine how many hours/days before due time the checklist appears on the mobile device. Setting an “expiry” time determines after how many hours/days the checklist will be removed from the device. By default, both will show 6 days.
  4.  “Allow incomplete submissions” is selected by default. This means that the user can submit this schedule of the checklist without completing all the tasks in it.. 
  5. Click on the Checkmark to save this schedule. You will see the schedule in the form of a statement when you save it. The image below shows you schedule statements for both custom monthly options. 


6. You can then proceed to create another schedule for the checklist by clicking on the “plus” button and follow the steps mentioned above or move to the next tab to assign locations and users to the checklist. 

Assigning Locations and Users to a Checklist

This is the last tab in creating a New Checklist. This is a crucial step in creating a checklist, as it determines which locations and users have access to the checklist.

  1. Use the search box to find the locations to assign the checklist to.   
  2. Select a location from the list below. You can select all by checking the “All” box.
  3. Use “chips” to narrow down the list of users based on roles. 
  4. Select users from a list to assign the checklist to. You can select all users by checking the “All” box. Be sure to select a location first to view the list of users!

Hit the "Create" button once all steps are complete. The checklist will then show on the mobile device of users assigned to the checklist. 

Edit Checklist

A checklist can be edited from the Checklist page by following the steps listed below:

  1. From the list of checklists, select the checklist you wish to edit
  2. Click the edit button (pencil icon) under the 'New Checklist' button 
  3. Update the checklist on the Edit Checklist page by changing all kinds of information added while creating the checklist. You can change any checklist data entered across all three tabs - General, Schedule and Locations.                                                                                          

  4. Hit "Save" to finish the checklist edit. 

Delete Checklist

A checklist can be deleted from the Checklist page by following the steps listed below:

  1. From the list of checklists, select the checklist you wish to delete
  2. Click the delete button beside the edit button 
  3. You will see a dialog with a confirmation to delete the checklist. Click the "Delete" button to confirm deletion.                                               

  4. Once deleted, you will see the checklist is removed from the list of checklists column

Please note : Deleting a Checklist does not delete sections and tasks within it. Sections and tasks can only be deleted from the Task Repository page.

Task Default Value 

Our goal is to help you complete your checklists quickly and efficiently. Default value is a feature on the Checklist Page that enables you to do just that. It allows you to set a default value for a task on a checklist schedule. This default value shows as a pre-populated response while completing the checklist on a mobile device. 

How it works:

  1. Click on the “more” button on a task name                                                                                                                                                      

   2. Select option Add/Change Default Value

   3. Enter a value for the schedule(s) you want to see default values for on the mobile app

   4. Hit Save!

Remove Tasks from Schedules

This feature on the Checklist Page allows you to remove tasks from checklist schedules. It enables you to remove a task from a single or multiple checklist schedules.

For instance, a checklist “Cleanliness Check” is scheduled three times a day - 09:00am, 12:00pm and 3:00pm. The task ‘Clean surrounding walls” needs to be done only at 3:00pm, you can remove it from the other schedules by using the add/remove from schedule option.

How it works:

  1. Click on the “more” button in a task row.                                                                                                                                                             

   2. Select option “Add/Remove from Schedule”.

   3. Once the dialog opens, check the box to add the task to the checklist for that schedule. 

   4. Uncheck the box corresponding to a schedule to remove the task from that schedule.                  

   5. Hit Save!

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