Managing Roles


The purpose of creating roles is to regulate the access that users have to checklists and locations. Privileges are determined on the basis of the roles users have in the organization and define the access to features in the application. 

For instance, GM and Server both have access to the same location and set of checklists, but the Server cannot create users in the application. This is because the GM might have write privileges, whereas the server might have only read privilege for his role. Scroll down to learn more about privileges. 

To help you get started, a Superuser role is added by default when an account is created for your organization. 

When you click on the Roles tab in user configuration, you will see a table of all roles created for your organization, along with privileges. From this page you can create, edit and delete roles - depending on the access you’ve been given.

In the image above, the table is divided into three columns and highlights other features on the Roles Page:

  1. Role name - This defines the level of responsibilities a user has in the organization. For example - server, general manager or vice president. 
  2. Privilege - This determines the level of access a user has to checklists. Privileges are explained in detail below.
  3. Action - You can edit and delete a role by using the buttons in this column
  4. Search - Start typing a role name in the search box to easily find the role you are looking for. 
  5. New Role - Create a new role by clicking on the button.


There are privileges assigned to roles, which help you to differentiate access levels to give to users.There are three predetermined types of privileges while creating a new role:

  • Read - This level of privilege allows users to only read or view data related to checklists for their location. They can view reports and complete checklists on the mobile app, but can not manage (create, edit or delete) checklists, users or locations.
  • Write - This level of privilege includes the privileges in read, along with managing users for the location(s) they are assigned to. Please note, users with write privilege cannot manage Superusers. 
  • Superuser - This is the highest access level and includes all the privileges in read and write. In addition to that, they can manage checklists, locations and users for all locations they are assigned to. They can also manage email notifications for users to receive. For instance, in case of a “Failed task” on the mobile app, select users will receive an email informing them of the same.

Create New Role

To create a New Role, click on the "New Role" button on the far right corner, just above the Roles table. 

Next, add a role name, assign privileges and click Create!

Please note : In order to create a role, you have to fill in the role name and privileges. 

Edit Role

To edit a role, click on the pencil icon corresponding to the role in the Action column.

While here, you can change the role name and/or update privileges. Hit Save to finish editing. 

Delete Role

To delete a role, click on the delete icon beside the edit icon in the Action column. 

Please note: If you delete a role, all users mapped to those roles will lose access to checklists for their locations. You will be notified about the same when you click the delete icon. It is recommended that users are assigned a different role before deleting a role. 

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