Managing Users


Once roles for your organization have been created and if you have the access, you may start to create users and assign those roles. When a user is created, they are assigned location(s) and checklists, based on which they are able to view and manage checklists, locations and other users.

When you click on the Users tab on the User configuration page, you will see a table of all users created for your organization. You might also see the roles assigned to each user. You can sort the contents in the table by email, name and roles by clicking on each column head.

Let’s look at the image below to break down the Users table and understand what it consists of. 

The table you see in the image above is divided into five columns and highlights the features on the Users page. These features are:

  1. Search - Use the search box on top of the table to quickly find users. You can search by username, email address and roles. 
  2. Status - When your organization adds a user to its DailyChex account, a verification email is sent out to them. Once they are verified, their status changes to a “verified user”, which is shown by a green user icon in the table. If a user remains unverified, the icon stays orange with an ‘x’ beside it. 
  3. Email - This is the email address associated with a user and is the same address they will use to access their DailyChex mobile and web app accounts. 
  4. Name - This refers to the username, if any, given while creating a user. 
  5. Roles - This reflects the level of privileges or access a user is given to checklists, locations and users. Roles are explained in detail here.
  6. Action - This column contains three ‘actions’. These actions are:
  • Edit - to make changes to user information and access 
  • Delete - to remove the user from the application. The process for edit and delete is explained below in this article.
  • Resend - When a user is unverified, it is represented in the user table by an orange user icon with an ‘x’ beside it. In case of unverified users only, you will see a “Resend” button at the far end of the row beside the edit and delete buttons. If you click on the button, it will allow you to send the verification email to the user once again.  
  • 7. Download - Click the download button to download a csv file that includes all users, their email addresses, roles and status. This file can be opened and converted to any spreadsheet such as Excel. 
  • 8. New User - Create a "New User" by clicking on the button 

Managing Users

In this section, we will look at how to create, edit and delete users.  

Create User

To create a new user, click on the New User button on the right, above the Users table. 

Follow the steps below to create a new user:

  1. Enter the user’s name
  2. Enter the email address associated with the user. This field is required to create a user.
  3. Choose from the dropdown to assign a role to the user
  4. Select Location(s) and Checklist(s) to be assigned to the user. Use the search feature to quickly find the locations. You can choose checklists for each location by clicking on the dropdown arrow beside each location name. By default, ‘All’ checklists will be selected for a location that is selected. 

Once you’ve made all your selections, hit the Create button. The user will then be added and notified (via email) of their secure login details. From there, they can create a password and gain access to both the DailyChex mobile application (iOS/Android) as well as the WebApp (dashboard). It is important to note here that the email with login details expires within 30 days, following which the email needs to be resent to the user. 

Edit User

To edit a user, make sure you are on the User table and click the pencil icon in the Action column.

The image below is a snapshot of what you can do while on the Edit user page.

While here, you can make changes to all the information that was entered while creating the user. Remember to save all your changes!

Delete User

To delete a user, make sure you are on the User table and click the delete icon beside the edit icon in the Action column. 

You will see a confirmation to delete the user. Doing so will disallow the user from accessing the application on the mobile and web.

To add the user back, please contact DailyChex support at

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