Locations Overview

Adding a new store to your DailyChex account? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will look at how to create, edit and delete locations to your DailyChex account. It is important to note here that you can manage locations only if you are a Superuser

Once you’re on the Locations Configuration page, you’ll see a table containing information on locations for your organization. Let’s break down the table to fully understand what it contains and how you can manage your locations from this page.

  1. Search - You can search for a location by name, address, type, market and brand.
  2. Locations table - Next, let’s look at the column headers in the table:
  • Alias -  This is a name by which a location is referred to.
  • Address - This is the physical address of the location.
  • Type - Type refers to the different kinds of locations. Some of the common “types” we see are dine-in, take-out, drive through etc.
  • Market - This is an easy way for organizations to cluster multiple stores based on geographical locations. Some instances of markets are - East Coast, Atlantic, Pacific, , North America, etc. You can also narrow down markets to smaller clusters by grouping them in states and districts - Locations in the state of New York or locations in Toronto District. 
  • Brand - As the word suggests, it is the name by which your organization is identified in the market based on the services it offers
  • “Add” column - This unique feature, shown by the “plus” icon, is included for you to add a new column to the table. For example, you could add a new column titled “Franchisee Name”. Once the new column is added, you can use the information in it for location searches and to sort contents in the locations table.  

It is super simple to add a column. Click on the "plus" icon, give the column a name and hit create!

Please note: When a new column is added to the table, it gets added to the "New Location" and "Edit Location" pages as well. In the example mentioned above, a new column called “Franchisee name” was added. You will see it as a new field added to Edit and New Location pages.

  • Corporate/Franchisee - The rows in the table begin with a briefcase icon that indicates the location is a corporate one. When there is no briefcase icon, it indicates the location is a franchisee.

3. More button - To the far end of the table, right under the Add column, you will see the “more” icon. If you click it, you will see four options - 

  • Users - View email addresses and roles of the users assigned to the location.

You can remove the access a user has to the location selected. However, doing so will deny them access to any checklists assigned to that location going forward. 

  • Opening Schedule - View operating hours of a location for the week

  • Edit Location - Make changes to the information that was added to the location while it was being created. 
  • Delete Location - Remove a location from your DailyChex account. 

4.  New Location - Click the button to create a new location. 

Click here to read more about how to create, edit and delete locations. 

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