Create, Edit and Delete Locations

Create New Location

Follow the simple steps listed below to add a new location. 

  1. Click the "New Location" button 
  2. Fill in the required information, starting with Alias and Address, which are mandatory fields. You will notice a checkbox called “Corporate” beside the Alias field, which by default will be selected. When selected, it indicates the location being added is a Corporate location. 
  3. Fill in the location type, market and brand. Click here to read more about alias, address, type, market and brand.  
  4. Choose the days of operation and operating hours: 

There are two scenarios to consider while you’re choosing the operating days and hours for your location.

Scenario 1 (Default)

Toggle On - Open/close hours are the same everyday. 

In this scenario, seven days of the week on the left and “Open 24hrs” are selected in the box titled “Days of operation”.

What you can do :

  • Unselect days that do not apply to your organization by clicking the checkbox
  • Unselect “open 24hrs” by clicking the checkbox, if applicable
  • Use the dropdown to select opening and closing hours once “Open 24hrs” is unselected, if applicable
Scenario 2

Toggle Off - Open/close hours are not the same everyday

In this scenario, seven days of the week on the left are selected in the box “Days of operation” and you can set unique opening and closing hours for each day of the week.

What you can do : 

  • Unselect days that do not apply to your organization by clicking the checkbox
  • Use the dropdown to select opening and closing hours for each day that is selected. Alternatively, you can also select “Open 24hrs” for individual days! 

To summarize, scenario 1 allows you to keep the same operating hours for every day of the week. Whereas, scenario 2 allows you to select different operating hours for every day of the week. 

Hit the Create button to finish and you’ve just added a new location!

Edit Location

To edit a location, click on the ‘more’ button at the far end of the location row. You will be presented with four options. Click on the pencil icon to open the Edit Location page.

The image below is a snapshot of what you can do while on the Edit Location page.

While here, you can make changes to all the information that was entered while creating the location. Remember to save all your changes!

Delete Location

To delete a location, click the ‘more’ button at the far end of the location row. You will be presented with four options. Click the delete icon.

You will see a confirmation to delete the location. Once deleted, users will not be able to access any checklists for this location.

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