Submission Dashboard

Welcome to the DailyChex Submission Dashboard! This is where we help you deep dive into checklist performances across locations, over a period of time. If you’re looking for answers to any of the following questions, you’ve come to the right place.

  1. How many checklists were submitted for my locations?
  2. How many checklists were missed?
  3. Which checklist was most missed?
  4. Are my locations submitting checklists on time? Are they too early or delayed?
  5. How much time is a checklist taking to complete?
  6. Which locations are missing checklists?
  7. How are my locations faring compared to the enterprise? And more.

Information on the Submission Dashboard is carefully arranged to help you look at checklist submissions across locations in detail. 

While on the dashboard page, you can:

  1. Select a timeframe for when you would like to see checklist performances 
  2. Look at numbers pertaining to your locations and the whole enterprise 
  3. Use filters to select locations, checklists, brands, markets and location types 
  4. Select bars on the graph to view location performances for those checklist schedules in the table below
  5. Sort and arrange information on the table by using filters 
  • Group by location to view each location in detail
  • View locations and checklist data for only Missed Checklists
  • Sort content on the table based on location name, checklist, due time and more!
  • Use the search option to easily find checklists or locations

To help you best understand the dashboard, we can view it in two parts - Submission Summary and Submission Details Table.

Submission Summary

  1. Date Picker - Select the timeframe using the date picker on the top right corner. You can select a time period that spans multiple days or weeks, with the maximum range of 1 month. You can also select from shortcut buttons ‘Today’, ‘This Week’ or ‘This Month’ to view data for the day, for the week so far and for the month to date. The default view when you come to the dashboard is set to "This Week".
  2. Submission Summary Numbers -  These numbers situated right under the date picker box, indicate submission rates for your locations as well as the enterprise. You will also see a breakdown of the number of checklists submitted and missed. The numbers here are determined by selections made in filters and in the bar graph.  Once the time period is selected, you will see the submission rates for your locations and the enterprise in the box below. The percentage value depicts the submission rate of checklists, while the numbers indicate how many checklists were submitted and missed.
  3. Submission Summary Graph - This part of the dashboard gives you a visual representation of checklist performances for all schedules across locations. There are two parts to this graph - bar graph and line graph.
  • Bar Graph - The bars in the graph are indicative of checklist submissions for your locations. The blue and yellow bars represent percentage values of submitted and missed checklists, respectively.

You can select a checklist schedule by simply clicking on a bar to view performance details in the table below. If you hover over a bar you will see checklist information such as checklist name, submission and missed rates for your location.

  • Line Graph - The line graph in dark blue represents submission rates of checklists across the enterprise. This line helps you compare your locations’ performance with that across the enterprise. Hover on a point in the line graph to view a checklist’s submission rate across the enterprise. 
  • Legend - The graph legend in the form of three coloured dashes, is located on top of the bar graph. The colours represent the following:

Light blue - My Submit Rate : Checklist Submission Rate for My Locations

Yellow - My Missed Rate : Checklist Missed Rate for My Locations

Dark blue - Enterprise Submit Rate : Checklist Submission Rate for the Enterprise

Note : The view for "Superuser" is slightly different, in that they only see the bar graph and one set of numbers for "My Locations". There are no Enterprise values and representations as their locations make the enterprise. 


There are 5 different filter categories and you can scroll through each category to make your selections. The 5 categories are:

  • Checklists -  A list of all checklists assigned to your locations.
  • Locations - A list of all locations assigned to you. This filter category comes with its own search option.
  • Brand - A list of brand names your organization is identified with.
  • Market - A list of location clusters based on geographical locations.
  • Type - A list of location “types” your locations are assigned. For instance, dine-in, take out etc.

The filters enable you to view submission information for select locations across markets for different location types. Once filter selections have been made, you will see the changes reflected in the numbers for submission rate, submitted and missed checklists, the submission summary graph and the submission summary table.

Active filters get displayed on top of the dashboard, to the left of the date picker, and can be unselected from there. You can also unselect all active filters at once by clicking on "Clear All'. When there are too many active filters, you will see some filters displayed while the remainder will get summarized as "+ a number more". 

For example, "+5 more". Click on "+5 more" to view the remaining 5 filters. You can unselect filters from here. 

Note : Active filters get saved on the dashboard for your convenience. This helps you to pick up where you left off while viewing the data, in case you move to a different page on the DailyChex WebApp and come back to the dashboard. You will also see the filters in effect if you refresh the page. The filters get unselected only when you log out or click on "Clear All". 

Pro tip : Share your findings on the dashboard with a colleague via email/chat by copy-pasting the URL on the page!

Submission Details Table 

This informative table provides you with data related to checklist submissions for individual locations, along with checklist due time and submission time. It also tells you if the checklist was submitted before or after due time and the total time taken to submit a checklist. 

By default, the table is arranged in order of checklist due time. You can sort contents in each column by clicking on the column heads. For instance, you might want to sort data based on "Time Taken" to submit a checklist to understand which location is not giving a checklist the time it needs or taking too long to complete. 

It is important to note here that any filters selected on the right and/or bar selections in the graph will determine information represented on the table. Moreover, the table has its own filters to help you look through the contents more effectively.The two filters on the table are:

  • Group by location - This filter option allows you to group all checklists for a location in one place. It allows you to see a list of your locations arranged in ascending order of submission rate and shows you an aggregate of checklist submissions for that location.

When this filter is in place, the column header will change from “Location” to “Submission %”. Once you click on the location name, the row will expand and you will be able to view all the checklist performances for that location. 

You can arrange content on the table while using this filter by clicking on the column heads. For example, click on Submission % to see the data get rearranged in ascending or descending order of checklist submission percentage values. Similarly, you can sort data on all the columns by clicking on the column heads. 

  • Missed Checklists Only - This filter option allows you to see data only for checklists that were missed. When you use this filter, you will see all your missed checklists arranged in order of their due time. You can combine this filter with “Group by Location” to see a location wise summary of missed checklists. 

You can also use the search option to find the exact content you're looking for!

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