How to Create a Cooling or Reheating Log

The wait is over! Cooling and Reheating logs are now live and this article will take you through the setup steps.

1) Let's create a new checklist for this example.

The very first step in creating a cooling log is to add your 'Final Cook Temp' as a number task. This will be our reference point for the automatic reminders, as you'll see in the following steps.

2) Once the first task is set, we can start creating the additional cooling times (Ex: 1hr, 2 hr, 6 hr)

When creating the reminders you can easily choose the 'Final Cook Temp' as the reference point. This means that as soon as the final cook temp has been taken on the app, the reminders will automatically trigger and send an alert based on the final cook temp. In this case we created a 1 hour reminder.

3) Repeat the same steps to create the additional reminder times. Voila! Your cooling checklist is now created and ready to be used.

Here's an example of what the cooling log might look like on the DailyChex mobile app:

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