Checklist Page

Checklist Page

The Checklist Page is the space where you manage your Checklists from. While on this page, you can create, edit and delete your Checklists. 

Let’s break down the table you see above to best understand how to navigate your way through this page:

  1. View a list of all your Checklists along with their schedules in the left column
  2. Select a Checklist to see all the sections, tasks and task types in the column to the right. Sections can be rearranged to an order of your choice in this column by clicking, holding and dragging a section up/down. This is the order in which sections will appear on the mobile device. 
  3. Use the edit/delete buttons to make changes to or remove Checklists. You will see the options to edit and delete when a checklist is selected from the left column. 
  4. To create a Checklist, click on the New Checklist button if you have the allowance to do so. You can learn more about creating a Checklist here.

Please note : While you can view tasks and section names on the Checklist page, you can make changes like edit and delete tasks only from the Task Repository. 

Search : Start typing a Checklist name (or a word from the name) in the search box to quickly find the checklists you’re looking for. You will see all the Checklists that contain the search words displayed in the table.

Filter : Your organization may have a lot of checklists across multiple brands, markets and locations. This feature allows you to look at checklists by filtering through Brands and Locations, avoiding having to comb through a long list of checklists. 

Follow the steps below to use Checklist filters:

  1. Use the search bar to narrow down options in brand and location type.
  2. Make your selections in the filters to view checklists related to the selected brand and location type. The selected filters will show as ‘chips’ below the search box. 

Unselect filter options by closing ‘chips’.

Task options on a checklist

When a checklist is selected and the task list is displayed in the adjacent column, you will see a “more” options button at the far end of each task row. 

Clicking that button will present you with two options:

  • Add/Change Default Value - This allows you to set a default value to a task. 
  • Add/Remove from Schedule - This option allows you to add or remove a task from any schedule(s) the checklist is assigned to. 

Read more about creating checklists and using the features in this article here.

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