Overview of Tasks, Sections and Checklists

Tasks, Sections and Checklist  

DailyChex Configuration enables you to create, edit and delete Sections, Tasks and ultimately Checklists. You can create and edit Checklists so long as you have a “Superuser” role assigned to you. 

Here’s how Tasks, Sections and Checklists are connected. Understanding the connections will allow you to get more creative with your configuration and match the operations.

  • In order to create a new Checklist, you need to first create Sections and add Tasks within. This can be done through the Task Repository, a space where all sections and tasks created are pooled together.
  • When a task is created, it can be assigned to a Checklist or multiple Checklists. This allows you to collect data of the same task from different checklists. In the end, you get a cohesive view of a task across time and checklists.
  • Any changes made to a task reflects in all instances of Checklists the task is assigned to. The task is hero in DailyChex.
  • When a task is removed from a Checklist, it is not deleted from the Task Repository. A task can be created, edited or deleted only from Task Repository page.

Learn more about managing Sections and Tasks here.

Checklist Highlights 

A Checklist basically holds all tasks and sections in one place. With DailyChex you can:

  • Enable multiple users to work simultaneously on checklists, while using multiple devices and see real time updates as they go along!
  • Set schedules for your checklists. You can choose from a wide range of scheduling options. A few examples are - every Monday and Wednesday at 10:00am or every 4th day of the month or every 3 weeks repeating on Fridays. You can combine days, weeks and months and also allow repetitions over time. 
  • Assign Default values to tasks. A default value shows as a pre-populated response for a task while completing a checklist on a mobile device. This allows you to complete some sections of checklists faster. 
  • Choose tasks to add or remove from any checklist schedule. There may be instances where you do not want a task in all schedules of a checklist. You have the option to remove it from the schedules you do not want the task to be in. 
  • Checklist schedules honour location operating hours, allowing you to set schedules for checklists based on opening and closing hours. If a checklist is scheduled outside of location hours, it will not show on the mobile device at all. 

Learn more about managing Checklists here.

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