Task Repository Page

Task Repository explained

As discussed in Overview, the Task Repository is where you can view and manage sections and tasks. You can create sections and tasks, edit and delete them. In this article we will look at the Task Repository page and its features. 

Let us first break down the table you see in the image above. 

  1. The table is divided into two parts - All Sections to the left and Task names along with types to the right.
  2. The New Section button is situated on top of the All Sections column.
  3. You can view tasks within a section by clicking on a section name.
  4. If you hover over a section name, it will present you with two options:
  • Edit Section - to update information and make changes to the section
  • Delete Section - to remove the section from the Task Repository.

   5. The New Task button is situated on top of the Tasks column

   6. If you hover over a task name, it will present you with three options in the Action column:

  • Clone task - to make a copy of the task
  • Edit task - to update information and make changes to the task
  • Delete task - to remove the task from the section that is selected

You can reorder tasks within a section by dragging up/down the list.. This allows you to list tasks in the order that you prefer. The order in which tasks are arranged here is how it shows on the mobile app. 

Click here to read more about Creating Tasks and Sections.

Search and Filters 

Search: Start typing a task name in the search box to quickly find the sections you’re looking for. You will see the sections that contain the task along with the list under the section selected. 

Filter Sections: This feature allows you to look at sections by filtering through Brands, Types and Checklists

  1. Use the search bar to narrow down options in brand, location type and checklist categories. 
  2. Make your selections in the filters to view sections related to the selected brand, location type and checklist. The selected filters will show as ‘chips’ below the search box. 

Unselect filter options by closing the ‘chips’. 

3. Select “Others” to view sections that are not assigned to any checklists. 

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